Secure Your Site – Efficient Well Abandonment Services
When it comes to abandoning a well, there are several safety measures to ensure that the closed well will not impose any risks to either the environment or the people in the area. For that reason, Lousana Water Wells Servicing Ltd offers efficient and reliable well abandonment services to the communities of Central Alberta. Our goal is to make sure that both the environment and the people in the area are safe from the risks of an improperly abandoned well. In the process, our team will inspect the well and conduct an efficient plan of action in order to make sure it is sealed safely.
Why Well Abandonment Should be Done by Professionals
When a water well is not used and carelessly abandoned by its users, contaminants might find their way inside the well and impact the aquifer. This represents a problem that goes beyond the location of the well as the water underneath is usually used by other people in the community. Moreover, abandoned wells can pose serious safety risks, such as potential falls that may lead to serious injuries or even fatal accidents.